The Smart Living Handbook

The Smart Living Handbook

Solutions for a Healthy, Sustainable Home

Whether you’re building, renovating or just living in your home, it’s important that it’s as comfortable and efficient as it can be.  However what is generally not considered is the importance of a home that is also healthy.  Creating and maintaining a non-toxic indoor air environment is important and assists with reducing health issues in families, and there is much research supporting this.  For example …

The US Environmental Protection Agency has “ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental threats to public health and one of the largest remaining health risks …”

The State of the Environment Report of Tasmania states that “Research has shown that 30% of the population can be expected to experience susceptibility to disease, worsening of existing disease or sensitisation with or without other diseases because of indoor exposures.“

Reports on indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children, states that; “Most research into effects of residential exposures on respiratory health has focused on allergens, moisture/mold, endotoxin, or combustion products. A growing body of research from outside the US; however, has associated chemical emissions from common indoor materials with risk of asthma, allergies, and pulmonary infections.”

Have you considered the chemicals that may be in your home in relation to structure, finishes and furniture?  Do you know what is, and isn’t a risk and what could affect your health?

Most families want a comfortable, beautiful, affordable home that does not compromise their health which is why Melissa Wittig, health focused interior designer of Healthy Interiors and Danielle King, sustainability consultant of Green Moves Australia have collaborated to write The Smart Living Handbook.

This unique book explores the relationship between our health and sustainability in the home. It offers industry insights and resources on how you can create your own healthy sustainable home, explores strategies and provides checklists that can be used to review and minimise exposure to indoor pollutants. Many of the pollutants in our homes have been associated with a range of health concerns including asthma, allergies, reproductive health, childhood development and cancers, so it’s important to know.

For those who want to cut through the mine field of information and are looking to make informed decisions when building, renovating or simply navigating daily lifestyle decisions, this book is an essential guide to creating healthy, sustainable homes. A smart way to live.

Solutions for a healthy sustainable home by Danielle King and Melissa Wittig

The Smart Living Handbook is hot off the press and was officially launched on 5th July 2014.

Book price is $34.95 for 330 pages of important, useful information. You can purchase the book from the Healthy Interiors website at …

Books will be available through Amazon and other online book stores by the end of July 2014. eBook version also on the way!



USA Environmental Protection Agency

State of the Environment – Tasmania

Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: a review


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